Charcoal machine propeller knowledge

Charcoal machine propeller knowledge
The operating characteristics of the mechanism of charcoal machine
The propeller is a key component of the mechanism of charcoal machine, its operation principle is very simple, with the main mechanism charcoal machine forming sleeve of sawdust raw materials rods during the treatment, the longer the work part of the propeller punch will appear certain wear, once found we must also change the new propeller, otherwise damaged propellers will influence mechanism charcoal machine product specifications.
Here to remind you that the replacement of the damaged propeller must be timely, if the replacement is not timely, it will affect the next mechanism charcoal machine processed finished product specifications.
The timely replacement of damaged propeller, we have to understand the characteristics of the operation after the damage, in order to detect the replacement process.Normally, the damaged thrusters will have the following two operating characteristics:1.The processed bar is not strong enough; the mechanism of charcoal machine damaged cracks usually processed propeller bar surface, as long as a little hard to handle artificial will be broken.2.Semi-finished bar specifications were longer; propeller damaged, its original length will be significantly shorter, the forming sleeve punch processing up to the required depth, and the processing of the bar is not relative to the shock compression, leading to the final output is long specifications of semi-finished products pay good.

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